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Advanced Customization Options

Advanced Customization Options

Using the Code Editor

Access direct code editing:

  1. Open your project for editing
  2. Click "Code" in the top navigation
  3. Modify HTML, CSS, or JavaScript as needed
  4. Save changes to update your site

Adding Custom Scripts

Insert third-party scripts:

  1. Go to project Settings
  2. Find the "Scripts" section
  3. Add code to Header (loads first) or Body (loads last)
  4. Save changes to implement

Common script types:

  • Analytics (Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel)
  • Chat widgets (Intercom, Drift)
  • Marketing tools (Hotjar, Lucky Orange)
  • Payment processors (Stripe, PayPal)

Custom CSS Techniques

Global Style Adjustments

  1. Access the Code editor
  2. Locate or add a style section
  3. Add custom CSS rules
  4. Use specific selectors to target elements

Responsive Design Tweaks

Add custom breakpoints for better responsive behavior:



@media screen and (max-width: 768px) { /* Mobile-specific styles */ }

Advanced UI Components

Custom Carousels

  1. Implement slider libraries (Swiper, Slick)
  2. Add required script tags
  3. Structure HTML according to library requirements
  4. Initialize with JavaScript

Modal Windows

  1. Create modal HTML structure
  2. Add open/close triggers
  3. Implement with JavaScript or use libraries

Advanced Navigation

  • Sticky headers
  • Mega menus
  • Off-canvas mobile navigation
  • Scroll animations

Animation Integration

Add motion to your site:

  1. Use CSS animations for simple effects
  2. Integrate animation libraries (GSAP, AOS)
  3. Trigger animations on scroll or interaction

Custom Fonts

Add custom typography:

  1. Upload font files or use web font services
  2. Add font CSS or script tags
  3. Apply font families to elements

Interactive Features

Custom Forms

  1. Create form structure
  2. Add validation logic
  3. Implement submission handling
  4. Style form elements consistently

Maps Integration

  1. Add mapping service scripts (Google Maps, Mapbox)
  2. Configure map containers
  3. Add location data and styling

Layout Customization

Grid Systems

  1. Implement CSS Grid or Flexbox layouts
  2. Create responsive grid structures
  3. Adjust column widths and spacing

Conditional Display

Show/hide elements based on:

  • Screen size
  • User interactions
  • Time or date
  • User preferences

Dynamic Content Loading

Load content dynamically:

  1. Create data structures (JSON, API endpoints)
  2. Write JavaScript to fetch and render content
  3. Implement pagination or infinite scroll
  4. Add loading states

Accessibility Enhancements

Improve site accessibility:

  1. Add ARIA attributes to elements
  2. Ensure proper heading structure
  3. Implement keyboard navigation
  4. Test with screen readers

Performance Optimization

Optimize site speed:

  1. Minify CSS and JavaScript
  2. Optimize image loading (lazy loading)
  3. Implement resource preloading
  4. Reduce render-blocking resources

Tracking Implementations

Add advanced analytics:

  1. Event tracking for user interactions
  2. Goal and conversion tracking
  3. User journey mapping
  4. A/B testing setup
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